11 images Created 5 Mar 2015
Elena Caple
To be an artist is to create content. I have difficulty being spontaneous, and my images involve a lot of planning and forethought. I must have a topic, or source, or set of parameters in which I create. However, I experience a kind of freedom when I allow myself to view my surroundings through the lens. I love unique compositions, which inspire me to share knowledge with my peers. I am most influenced by the lives of others, which I read about in literature and poetry. I like to get inside other people’s heads and learn about their motivations.
APP has helped me socialize and become more open and honest with myself and others. I have learned to express my needs, wants, and opinions in a way that is beneficial, thoughtful, and kind. If my photography can take the viewer somewhere, then I have more than accomplished my goal.
I joined the APP in 2010, and received an Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Grant in 2012. The way I photograph changes with the seasons of my life. Sometimes it is a struggle to intentionally create, especially when I am struggling with depression or hopelessness. When good things happen, when I am happy and healthy, I become more prolific. Photography is an extension of joy. Although almost all of last year was an uphill trek that left me emotionally and physically exhausted, the APP classes and community kept me going.
To be an artist is to create content. I have difficulty being spontaneous, and my images involve a lot of planning and forethought. I must have a topic, or source, or set of parameters in which I create. However, I experience a kind of freedom when I allow myself to view my surroundings through the lens. I love unique compositions, which inspire me to share knowledge with my peers. I am most influenced by the lives of others, which I read about in literature and poetry. I like to get inside other people’s heads and learn about their motivations.
APP has helped me socialize and become more open and honest with myself and others. I have learned to express my needs, wants, and opinions in a way that is beneficial, thoughtful, and kind. If my photography can take the viewer somewhere, then I have more than accomplished my goal.
I joined the APP in 2010, and received an Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Grant in 2012. The way I photograph changes with the seasons of my life. Sometimes it is a struggle to intentionally create, especially when I am struggling with depression or hopelessness. When good things happen, when I am happy and healthy, I become more prolific. Photography is an extension of joy. Although almost all of last year was an uphill trek that left me emotionally and physically exhausted, the APP classes and community kept me going.